Animal Acupuncture
This week is about animal acupuncture!
*Image from Legacy Animal Medical Center
Recently, veterinary acupuncture has been on the rise and is starting to pop up in veterinary hospitals around the country. Many people are still unfamiliar with this type of medicine, so I thought I'd spend a litle time explaining acupunture and how it can be used in a veterinary setting!
Acupuncture is a method used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and involves using small, hair-like needles insterted along different energy channels in the body, to regulate the body and improve symptoms and conditions. An important TCM concept is that the body is full of energy that travels along various pathways throughout the body. Physical or emotional stress can cause the energy in these pathways to flow less freely, which can manifest and result in various medical conditions. The instertion of needles along these pathways regulates the energy and refreshes the pathways so that energy can flow more freely.
In a veterinary setting, acupuncture can be used for many reasons. I have seen it be effectively used alone and in conjunction with Traditional Western Veterinary Medicine for hind-leg paraylsis in dogs, relief from pain (such as pain caused by arthritis), and even relief of constipation in cats (I'm serious, it's really great for this...). There are almost no negative side effects to acupuncture and the ways that acupuncture can be used for all kinds of animals are endless. Working with your veterinarian/acupuncturist, you may be able to come up with an effective treatment plan that integrates acupuncture for your animal.
Check out some sample videos of animal acupuncture:
Cooper's Acupuncture: This dog is receiving acupuncture for his musculoskeletal issues. I love how calm and relaxed he is! Often times with acupuncture, the animal feels instant relief and soaks up the "zen" energy of the treatment. It is amazing to see a dog come in with so much pain and then immediately settle down with needles and lie still for so long!
Anonymous Cat's Acupuncture: In this video, a cat receives acupuncture for various allergies/skin issues. Like I said, the uses of acupuncture are endless! I love how calm this cat is - and without sedation! It is rare to have a cat so calm at the vet's office.
Veterinary Acupuncture can be used as treatment for so many different problems! If you're interested, I encourage you to seek out more information from a local veterinary acupuncturist and talk to your veterinarian about how acupuncture might help your furry friend.
Have any of you all received acupuncture for yourself, or have your four-legged friends expereinced it? Let me know - I'd love to hear from you!